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A fantastic opportunity to introduce your little one to movement themed sensory play whilst learning through Curiosity, Imagination and Exploration.

A fantastic opportunity to introduce your little one to movement themed sensory play whilst learning through Curiosity, Imagination and Exploration.

Footitots: 6-12 Months

Footitots 6-12 months aims to enhance your little ones creative mind by exploring the world around them. We incorporate a football theme through messy play and sensory experiences, all whilst having LOADS of FUN!

Footitots: 12-18 Months

Footitots 12- 18 months offers children a unique opportunity to engage with the world in a way that helps them grow and develop. We aim to help your little one build important fundamental skills to become a strong and resilient toddler!

To find your closest Footitots location,
please send an email to

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